Are you seeking a high-yield investment strategy ? 🌴🏡
📌 Identification - The property to be valued is identified as Residential Apartment Unit Parcel No: F4P2 inthe Fourth Floor and Parking No: 08 is a parking of “Prime Residencies Edmonton II”depicted in Condominium Plan No: 5200 dated 14.12.2021 made by S. KrishnapillaiLicensed Surveyor.
📌 Ownership - No Land Registry search was done by me regarding the history and the title of thesubject property and based on above information, I value the Freehold Interest of thesame free from all legal encumbrances.
📌 Name of Land - The main land called as Edmonton.
📌 Accommodation - Living Area, Dining, Pantry, 2 Bed Rooms, 2 Toilets and 2Balconies.
📌 Conveniences - Electricity with central backup generator, pipe borne waterservice, 2 attached bathrooms, ceiling fans, passenger lifts(Suzhou Asia, 800kg Capacity, 10 person), fire exit, garbagecollector cabin on each floor, reserved parking slot in basementfloor, vehicle elevator, centralized LP gas system, wet risersystem with smoke detectors, hose reels and fire extinguisherson each level, balconies, 24 hours security, CCTV.
📌 Market Value - Rs. 48,083,310/=
📌 Say - Rs. 48,100,000/=